my Director, my Director Studios, is a website that hosts YouTube Channel ( @myDirector3in1 ) posts, interviews, videos & podcast.

The primary purpose of this site is to evangelize Jesus of Nazareth as my King, Savior and BEST FRIEND.

Each site TAB is a category within the YouTube Channel:

  • Salvation

  • Evanga-Tees

  • Behind the Scenes

  • Reviews

  • Director’s Cuts

This unique design comes from the YouTube’s channel FIVE main areas of focus. Almost each day of the year, our team will compose special background docu-stories that allow for “Directed” moments that bring about:

  • Salvation (Born-again Testimonies)

  • Evanga-Tees (T-Shirts that promote Jesus by Evangelism)

  • Behind the Scenes (In depth docu-drama’s, topical videos)

  • Reviews (Reviewing Books & Movies)

  • Director’s Cuts (the Founder’s Pieces)

The ultimate mission for this website and the YouTube channel is to allow for anyone to make their own personal choice in having a intimate relationship with JESUS. Hopefully this site and channel will inspire and motivate this life-saving decision.

Believe (30-Fold) Follow (60-Fold) Disciple (100-Fold)

Mark 4:20, the Parable of the Sower. Fruit(s) of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

God the Father is a Fruit inspector. Our belief in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit will bring light, truth, and freedom to ourselves and into others. This powerful parable shows us a responsibility to abide in the Vine, to allow for His living word to renew us each day, so that our FRUIT, it yields a harvest.

Believer- You have said yes, “I do,” to a belief in Jesus and now your walk with Him begins.

Follower- Now as you are walking out your salvation and allowing sanctification, you become more like Christ and start to yield a richer production of fruit, and more fruits of the spirit will exude out of us.

Disciple- You are 100% in and sprinting with Jesus, flowing an abundance of Living Water into the Vineyard and allowing more production for the entire grove, which is the Body of Christ.