my Director, my Director Studios, is a website that hosts YouTube Channel ( @myDirector3in1 ) posts, interviews, videos & podcast.
The primary purpose of this site is to evangelize Jesus of Nazareth as my King, Savior and BEST FRIEND.
Each site TAB is a category within the YouTube Channel:
Behind the Scenes
Director’s Cuts
This unique design comes from the YouTube’s channel FIVE main areas of focus. Almost each day of the year, our team will compose special background docu-stories that allow for “Directed” moments that bring about:
Salvation (Born-again Testimonies)
Evanga-Tees (T-Shirts that promote Jesus by Evangelism)
Behind the Scenes (In depth docu-drama’s, topical videos)
Reviews (Reviewing Books & Movies)
Director’s Cuts (the Founder’s Pieces)
The ultimate mission for this website and the YouTube channel is to allow for anyone to make their own personal choice in having a intimate relationship with JESUS. Hopefully this site and channel will inspire and motivate this life-saving decision.
Believe (30-Fold) Follow (60-Fold) Disciple (100-Fold)
Mark 4:20, the Parable of the Sower. Fruit(s) of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
God the Father is a Fruit inspector. Our belief in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit will bring light, truth, and freedom to ourselves and into others. This powerful parable shows us a responsibility to abide in the Vine, to allow for His living word to renew us each day, so that our FRUIT, it yields a harvest.
Believer- You have said yes, “I do,” to a belief in Jesus and now your walk with Him begins.
Follower- Now as you are walking out your salvation and allowing sanctification, you become more like Christ and start to yield a richer production of fruit, and more fruits of the spirit will exude out of us.
Disciple- You are 100% in and sprinting with Jesus, flowing an abundance of Living Water into the Vineyard and allowing more production for the entire grove, which is the Body of Christ.